norovirus prevention

As temperatures drop, the risk of catching winter illnesses like norovirus increases. Known as the winter vomiting bug, norovirus is highly contagious. Norovirus can cause unpleasant symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhoea, and fever. However, with the right precautions, you can reduce the risk of spreading it to those around you. So, can norovirus be prevented? Discover the 5 best ways to prevent the spread of norovirus this winter.

What is Norovirus?

Norovirus is a highly contagious virus that causes gastroenteritis, which can lead to symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, and stomach pain. Due to it being spread quickly, it is important to understand how it spreads and that will help understand how to prevent it.

How is Norovirus Spread?

Norovirus spreads easily through several routes, such as:

  • Contaminated food or water: Eating food or drinking liquids that have been contaminated by the virus.
  • Direct contact: Shaking hands with an infected individual and subsequently touching your mouth.
  • Contaminated surfaces: Touching surfaces or objects that carry the virus and then touching your face.
  • Aerosolized particles: Being near someone who is vomiting can release tiny droplets carrying the virus. These particles can then be inhaled or land on surfaces.
5 Ways to Prevent the Spread of Norovirus This Winter

5 Ways to Prevent the Spread of Norovirus

Since norovirus is highly contagious and is spreading at a quick pace, it is important to prevent its spread. Thus, here are 5 ways to prevent the spread of norovirus:

1. Wash Your Hands Thoroughly

Handwashing is your first line of defence against norovirus. Use warm water and soap, scrubbing for at least 20 seconds. Washing before meals, after using the toilet, and after caring for someone unwell is especially important.

2. Disinfect Surfaces Regularly

Norovirus can survive on surfaces for days. Clean and disinfect frequently touched areas, such as door handles, light switches, and remote controls, using a bleach-based cleaner to kill germs effectively.

3. Avoid Preparing Food When Unwell

If you or someone in your household has symptoms of norovirus, avoid preparing food for at least 48 hours after symptoms subside. This reduces the risk of spreading the virus through contaminated food.

4. Wash Laundry Separately

Clothing, bedding, or towels used by someone with norovirus should be washed separately on a hot cycle. Handle items carefully to avoid spreading the virus further.

5. Stay Hydrated and Rest

If you catch norovirus, prioritise hydration and rest to recover quickly. Encourage anyone unwell to sip fluids regularly and avoid strenuous activities.

Prevent the Spread of Norovirus – Next Steps

Whilst these steps are crucial to prevent the spread of norovirus, you still might catch it. So, it is important to pay attention to what to do next. Most symptoms do go away within 3-5 days – according to NHS. However, if symptoms persist or dehydration occurs, consult a healthcare professional.

Learn About Caremark’s Home Care Services

At Caremark, we understand how challenging it can be to stay on top of daily tasks during illness. Our compassionate care assistants can provide personalised support should you catch norovirus. We can provide home help and companionship, ensuring you or your loved one has support when needed most. From preparing nutritious meals to maintaining a clean home, we’re here to make life a little easier.

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