The secret to happiness

Dedicated carer Cheryl Milnes believes that finding a job you love to do is the secret to happiness, saying: “If you’re doing what you would choose to do anyway you never have to work a day of your life and the pay is a bonus.”
“You won’t have pockets of cash and some days you’ll go home shattered but you’ll have a big smile on your face knowing you have helped people.”
Cheryl, 40, knew from an early age that she wanted to work in the care sector but it wasn’t until later in life she managed to do that. For various reasons after studying health and social care at college she took a job in a health food shop where she worked for several years.
“At that point, I passed my driving test and my children were no longer babies so I felt able to commit to a job in home care support,” said Cheryl.
Whilst working with Caremark Kirklees, Cheryl was able to complete Vocational Qualifications and these enabled her to successfully apply for a new post as a Field Care Supervisor which she has recently taken up.
This sees Cheryl supporting the care team, preparing care packages for new customers and resolving any issues to ensure customers receive the best possible service. And she has some advice for anyone else thinking of following her into the profession.
“You need to have the desire to help people, if you have that then you can really make a difference in people’s lives,” she said. “You’ll gain great job satisfaction and sleep well at night.”