#MentalHealthAwareness Morning – Come & Enjoy some Coffee & Cake on Caremark..
As part of #MentalHealthAwareness this week (9th – 15th May 2022) we are happy to announce on Friday 13th May 2022 we will have an ‘Open Office’ where we will invite our Support Workers to enjoy a Coffee & a Bun with us and discuss any matters they feel they need to discuss with us as their employer.
As an organization, we firmly believe we have close professional working relationships with our Support Workers and always have an open door policy where we welcome our Care and Support Workers to be open and honest with us.
We love to spend time with our Clients and our Support Workers, so this is a real opportunity for us to engage and communicate with the people who use and run our service. We look forward to seeing you on Friday if you want to pop in.