Happy People Planner Day Everyone!

Today’s the day of the launch of our new, secure, electronic digital rostering system and live call planning. We are thrilled to actually go live and would like to say a huge ‘Thank You’ to all our staff, our customers and our management team- in particular Terri and Jade for all their hard work, inputting the data.
The product that we’ve invested heavily in is the Access group’s People Planner rostering software together with their ACP (access care planning) real time information. The move over to this platform has not been easy- however our team have been incredibly focussed and diligent loading in our customer and staff information and also inputting every one of our customers bespoke needs, likes, dislikes and the goal they want to achieve, together with a whole lot more.
Our Director, Mark McKenning, said ‘Day One has gone really, really well- better than we could have hoped for and that is testimony to the hard work of our team. Over the next few days and weeks we will all become more familiar with the product and really see it enhance and add to our service provision. The software is a huge investment and allows us real time data- we feel this is a significant addition to our customer and staff service.’