Breaking News! Allotment Update

As many of you will know, we have our Allotment at the Clifton Garden Society in Rotherham which we did a Huge Grand Opening event for back in March 2022 (how time flies!) however, we were still awaiting our poly tunnel to go up, one side of the allotments fence still needed to go up, and we were also waiting for our worm house and our bug farm!
The time has finally come where, we have almost every single thing ready for our Client’s and our staff to visit!
The Poly Tunnel is now erect, the fence is now built so the garden Is fully secure, and the planters have begun to grow some lovely produce.
We can’t wait to welcome our Clients and our Staff to see the Garden and to grow some produce of their own, if you are a Client or a Staff member, and if you are interested in visiting our Allotment or even just being involved with it on a regular basis, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with one of our Team on 01709 789340. We are more than happy to help you or answer any questions you may have.
It’s going to be an interesting Summer!!