Symptoms of Autistic Burnout: 5 Warning Signs

Whether you are a self-diagnosed or formally diagnosed autistic adult, this article should help you recognise the symptoms of autistic burnout. Knowing the signs can enable you to identify when burnout is occurring and seek assistance to reduce your stress levels. Here are five key signs to watch out for:
1. Cognitive Symptoms of Autistic Burnout
The most noticeable of the cognitive symptoms of autistic burnout is an overwhelming sense of exhaustion. You will likely feel too tired to undertake tasks related to your work or daily life, especially those that can lead to fatigue. This might include something as simple as planning your day or following a consistent routine. You may notice your thinking slows down, making it difficult to solve problems. This often affects memory and language as well, making it hard to study and express yourself.
Tip to manage this symptom
Avoid undertaking tedious and complex tasks, studying difficult subjects, or taking exams when experiencing these symptoms. Instead, talk to your teacher or a family member, let them know you are experiencing these difficulties, and take time to rest properly.
2. Physical Symptoms
Similar to the cognitive symptoms, the main physical sensation will be a feeling of exhaustion. You may find it difficult to engage in physical activity, even something as simple as walking, and minor actions may leave you feeling extremely tired. This often results in a need for more sleep and difficulty getting up in the morning.
How to manage this symptom
Ensure you sleep for at least 8 hours every night. Before bed, create a relaxed environment for yourself. This could involve using LED lights that help you relax and spending at least an hour in a quiet area with minimal noise.
3. Emotional Symptoms of Autistic Burnout
Managing your emotions may become particularly challenging. You’ll likely feel easily overwhelmed by external situations, often accompanied by mood swings. Meltdowns and shutdowns may increase in frequency and intensity, making you feel more susceptible to emotional distress. This emotional state might be hard to handle on your own and may also be difficult to recognise.
How to manage this symptom
Stay in environments where you feel comfortable and can avoid sensory overloads that might worsen your emotional state. Surround yourself with people you trust and feel at ease with. Create a calm and quiet atmosphere. Don’t judge your emotional reactions; instead, observe them as they pass.
4. Sensory Symptoms
One of the key indicators is an increase in stimming, which involves repetitive physical movements such as scratching your skin, biting your nails, or snapping your fingers. As burnout intensifies, suppressing stimming becomes increasingly difficult.
Sensory inputs also become harder to tolerate during burnout, with noises, smells, and certain foods often being the main triggers.
How to manage this symptom
Avoid busy areas where there is a risk of sensory overload, and prefer a quiet and calm environment. Find something to fidget with, such as a stress ball, to prevent scratching your skin. Stick to foods you know you can tolerate easily and avoid trying new ones.
5. Social Symptoms of Autistic Burnout
Socialising and communicating may feel difficult and uncomfortable. There may be a tendency to avoid social situations altogether, and talking to people may require significant effort. Understanding how to respond to others and determining the appropriate facial expression for the situation might become challenging, and maintaining eye contact may be more difficult than usual.
How to manage this symptom
Inform others that you are experiencing these difficulties and that they may be related to burnout.
Hopefully, this article will help you recognise the symptoms of autistic burnout in yourself or a loved one, making them more manageable.
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The information provided above is sourced from Dr Alice Nicholls.