Public Health England have produced a new illustrated guide to PPE for care workers which we have distributed to our team.

This is a useful resource for helping to interpret and communicate the existing guidance.

This guidance is relevant to home carers and those working in extra-care and supported living settings and we have read it in conjunction with local policies to ensure we are fully advised and responsive to the safe use of PPE to manage infection control and good hygiene. The main objective in this pandemic is to limit the spread of the virus and we are working tirelessly to ensure all our working practices are safe and our customer’s care is not compromised.

The guidance states that Live-in carers, who only provide care to the person that they live with, are considered to be a member of the household and should, therefore, follow publicly available guidance and use PPE as per standard infection prevention and control guidance.

Here at Caremark we ensure we have a full stock of PPE for all our staff at all times comprising of gloves, visors, aprons, masks and hand santizers. Having the right equipment to keep our staff and customers safe is our paramount consideration.


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