life me up story

We care for E Lee a delightful gentleman that lives with his wife. Unfortunately, E Lee’s wife was admitted into hospital and the whole family was missing her dearly. While caring for him our carers also made his wife’s bed and tucked her teddy in. Teddy is also sitting waiting for her to come home and every time he looks at the teddy it make him smile.

His daughter-in-law said, “I thought you would like to see what Ilhaam & Aaliya, carers to E Lee, had done when his wife went into hospital recently. I thought it was a lovely, caring and thoughtful gesture at a time when we are missing our mother in law B Lee. Ilhaam and Aaliya saw that Beryl’s bed was unmade (B Lee has carers with another company) and together they both tidied up. Aaliya and Ilhaam put Beryl’s teddy in the bed, just as if it was waiting for her return. Such a sweet thing to do which brought a smile to my face. Thank you Ilhaam and Aaliya.”

Ilhaam and Aaliya we are we proud that you are part of our team. #StrongerTogether #smile


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