Excellent person-centred care

When it comes to delivering excellent, person-centred care to people, it’s fair to say the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree in Sophie Vickers case.
That’s because Sophie’s mum Kirsty also works at Caremark Rotherham and Sheffield (as a Case Leader) and is one of the many reasons why Sophie is flourishing in her role as one of our amazing Support Workers.
But you don’t just have to take our word for it!
Here’s an excerpt from an email about Sophie and her fellow Support Worker Rebecca sent to our Managing Director Mark McKenning from a Care Professional praising the pair for the way they supported one of our young clients at a recent weekend event.
She said: “Sophie and Rebecca are doing an amazing job, and it was so humbling to witness how two young girls can provide so much care.
“Their client was their priority every time we saw them. and we felt so proud of them and cannot praise them enough.
“They are an example and an asset to your team and the company, and your clients are in good hands.”
Sophie was working as waitress before Kirsty suggested she joined Caremark Rotherham and Sheffield.
That was when she was 18 and now, five years later, it’s fair to say she has found her calling.
“Through my mum I had grown up around people complex care, so it was something I came into with my eyes open,” Sophie says.
“Of course, it was a little scary at first, but I received such great mentoring and training and even to this day I am still learning and gaining new skills, which is great.”
Sophie’s current clients include young people and adults with a range of complex needs, including those with tracheostomies and an individual with cerebral palsy.
Her job entails everything from accompanying and supporting clients in schools, through to helping them access community-based activities.
“No day is the day and that’s one of the many things which is great about my job,” says Sophie.
“It was also lovely to receive such nice feedback after our weekend away with one of our clients.
“It’s such a rewarding job and I would recommend it to anyone.”
Outside of work, Sophie enjoys playing football for a local team and socialising with her friends.