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There are five nurses in Diane Taylor’s family, including her mum and her mum’s sisters, so she believes she was always destined to have a career in care.

Diane has been involved in care since 1997, when she started her career with Sheffield City Council as a Support Worker.

She spent 22 years with the Council in a number of roles before becoming the manager of a company which provided supported living services to people with learning disabilities within Sheffield.

Diane joined Caremark Rotherham and Sheffield as our Care Manager in 2017 and became registered with the CQC for our Complex Care service.

In this role, she has day-to-day responsibility for leading our team of 100-plus Support Workers and ensuring the safe and compliant service delivery to our clients.

“I love working here and have grown and learned so much since I joined,” says Diane, who was recently short-listed for the Caremark Regional Manager (Yorkshire and the North East) award.

“One of the many things I enjoy most about my job is that no day is the same and there’s always something different happening.

“Ultimately. it’s all about achieving the best possible positive outcomes for our clients, whether that’s helping them at home, support them at school or accessing an activity in the community.

“We have a great deal of responsibility given the complexity of the needs of the people we support, so seeing them do things that most people take for granted like getting on a bus or going out for walk is massive.

“It’s also nice seeing staff achieve their own personal goals and outcomes and generally being part of a team which cares so much.”

Outside of work, mum-of-two Diane enjoys spending time with her family and watching her beloved Sheffield Wednesday.


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