Celebrating National Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month 2024

What is cerebral palsy? Cerebral palsy is a lifelong disorder affecting movement and posture. It results from damage to the brain that occurs during pregnancy; around the time of birth; or within the first two years after birth. Every child/young adult with cerebral palsy has their own unique strengths and challenges.
At Caremark Rotherham and Sheffield, we provide support for both children and adults who suffers from this condition to enable them to live life to the full and remain as independent as possible.
Green is the official colour for cerebral palsy awareness, as it reflects youthfulness and new growth, as well as hope for advancements in treatment and acceptance, so within the Caremark Office along with our amazing Support workers we are turning Caremark Green on Thursday, to show our support and awareness of this Disabiitly.