carols Sunflower 2023 scaled

Many of you took part in our summer Sunflower challenge, which we launched again this year to have some fun with our Client’s and our Support Workers. There were many Sunflowers planted and seeded by our wonderful team, and it was a very very close call as to who the winner was!

In 1st place, and so proud of her very own sunflower was Carol, Carol enjoys having fresh flowers each week within her home and is happy that her regular care and support workers help to maintain these as carol wishes. Carol and her support workers took care of her Sunflower seed right from the beginning, watering it, keeping it warm, and reporting it when it was outgrowing it’s temporary home. In the end, Carol’s Sunflower was almost taller than her Senior Support worker Chloe. Well done Carol and her team and also a huge well done to everyone else who took part.


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