We have had a busy and exciting week at the Caremark Rotherham & Sheffield Head quarters this week!

We decided we would like to get on board with the Autism Acceptance Weeks ‘Spectrum Colour Challenge’ and the way we decided to be involved was to ask our Office Team to dress in different colours each day. It is fair to say that our Team was up to the challenge and managed to pull it out of the bag (wardrobe) each day.

As an organisation, we were passionate about supporting Autism Acceptance week, as we continue to provide daily support to many different Client’s in our Community who have an Autism diagnosis. People with Autism present in very diverse ways across the spectrum, and as part of our initial needs assessments, we spend time to understand the person involving family, friends and professionals where relevant, to ensure that we provide the specific support that each individual requires. After this initial assessment, we then introduce and guide our Support Workers to provide the highest standard of care to our Client’s, supporting them to be the very best they can be in order to allow our Client’s to live their best lives.

Our Support Workers love their roles working with children with Autism within the community, and we pride ourselves on maintaining very low staff turnover rates, which is currently at less than 8%, whilst the average industry standard is around 40%.

We have had a blast this week dressing in different, bright colours, we would like to thank some of our fabulous Care and Support Workers who also participated, dressing in bright colours when visiting their customer’s and spreading some joy into each of our customer’s days.


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