Another day another training session!

Our potential new candidates have been training with our Accredited Training Partner since Monday of this week which they have all said they have really enjoyed. So far, this week, the subjects that have been covered are; First Aid, Basic Life Support, Medication, People Moving People, Infection Control, Nutrition & Hydration, Fire Safety, Safeguarding Adults and Children, Tissue Viability, Mental Capacity Act 2005.
Today, the candidates are covering the ‘Introduction to Caremark’ Training day with our Operations Officer, Terri, and they are also meeting all of our Office Management Team- Diane, Donna, Jacqui, Kirsty, Meg and Louise.
After the Induction to Caremark, Michelle from AJB Training has arrived to complete the Lone Working/Violence and Aggression Training.
Tomorrow- our training will be the ‘Clinical Awareness’ Training which will be delivered by our Clinical Lead- Charlotte. The subjects covered will include; PEG, Tracheostomy Awareness, Ventilator, Oxygen and Cough Assist, and Epilepsy. Then our Case Leader Kirsty will finalise the busy week by finishing on some training on ‘behaviors that challenge’.
After this, dependent on DBS and reference checks being complete- our Case Leaders will be introducing our new candidates to their respective customers and their families.
We wish a huge Good Luck to all of our new care and support workers, we hope you love your new role with us and we look forward to continuing to learn and develop with you during your time with Caremark Rotherham and Sheffield.