Children’s Care in Milton Keynes

We can support your children’s care in so many fun and exciting ways! Three of our clients have just had international and local holidays including Disney Land Paris! Care is so much more; caring should be fun to realise the potential of your child!
Children are happier when they are present, enjoying what they’re doing, surrounded by great and caring people with good and positive role models.
Your child’s mental health is crucial, so promoting independence, powerful relationships, excitement, wonder and fascination are all skills we can support you and your child to develop.
Whether your child has autism, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, learning disability, neurological conditions, physical health conditions or mental health conditions, they are perfect just as they are.
What we can do to help you:
- Establishing daily routines
- Day-to-day support covering personal care and meal
- preparation
- Encouragement of hobbies and activities
- Support with meal-times
- Support with schooling
- Socialisation through sport or other cultural activities
- Promoting independence
- Work with your child’s school or other professional to meet
- their goals
- Support into adulthood
- Full communication with specialists
Empowering you with Complex care:
- Epilepsy care (including emergency medication)
- Enteral feeding (PEG, JEJ)
- Oxygen, ventilation and suctioning
- Spinal and brain injury care
- Stoma care and management
We have in-house Team Teach tutors who can provide expert advice and support for behaviours that challenge.
If you and your child live in Aylesbury, High Wycombe, Buckingham or Milton Keynes, we have the support for you and your family.
Contact us now for your free assessment:
- T: 01908 372 376
- E:
- W: