It’s not easy to find the right home care provider in Guildford so we have created a tool to help.

Are you looking for home care support for yourself or a loved one? Our table below provides a quick comparison between 10 care providers in Guildford based on prices and star ratings. So, how much is elderly care?

Provider NameStarting Price (£)RatingHome care Reviews
Caremark Guildford & Woking18.19*9.8“They have made a really positive difference to her life and I do not know how she would have managed without them. “
Shammah Healthcare20.80Ungraded“Great, reliable people that offer person centred care”
Luv to Care25.09.9“The manager runs a tight ship with an absolutely fantastic team of staff “
Rainbow Health & Care26.009.9” I contacted them and have not regretted it”
Surecare32.009.7“We have a good laugh and chat while they prepare my food”
Everycare (Central Surrey)34.209.9“I found them easy to deal with and very flexible”
Alina Home Careunknown9.3“The Alina carers nearly always managed to arrive promptly, and they took a great deal of care to minister to his needs”
Home countiesUnknown9.9“From the outset, they have been professional, proactive and responsive”
Goldtech Care ServicesUnknown8“Wonderful, amazing, beautiful people.”
Albury CareUnknown8“They provided the most fantastic care”

Caremark (Guildford & Woking) also offer live-in care starting at £1,300/week.

Customer and carer enjoying time together
Customer and carer enjoying time together

All data is based on on 1/12/24 with the exception of *Caremark (Guildford & Woking) who’s starting price is based on a 15% local resident discount (Conditions apply). Other providers not listed are available. Prices exclude 24/7 and live-in care prices. Prices shown are subject to change. When considering how much home care costs, keep in mind that prices shown for providers are the lowest cost advertised on and these prices vary in visit duration times. The cost of home health care varies, so please talk to providers for detailed estimates.


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