Some more of our team’s top tips (Part II)

Doing their job well and being a part of a successful Caremark team is important to our staff so we asked some more of our team for their top tips to work both effectively and enjoyably. Here’s what they had to say….
Top tips from Joanne, Managing Director and Registered Care Manager

“Always double check your work. If in doubt ring and ask for advice. Don’t be afraid to gain support if needed and more importantly have fun along the way!”
Top tips Jade, Care Co-Ordinator
“Bring chocolate into the office regularly and promote independence with your customers.”

Top tips from Katie, Care Co-ordinator

“Being reliable is one of the most crucial qualities of a care assistant. Those who receive care depend on your support to carry out their everyday tasks and to meet some of their basic needs. It’s vital that you demonstrate you are a responsible, dependable and punctual individual who can meet these needs on a consistent basis“
Top Tips from Jess, Care Co-ordinator
“When caring for customers, if you can go in and make someone smile that what this job is about. Try your best to stay positive and don’t be afraid to have a giggle along the way.”

What do you think about our team’s top tips? Which is your favourite? Would you like to come and meet them? If so, come to our free chair based exercise class (with coffee and cake) event, details here.