The Kent Card: direct payment for care and support services

Do you receive care through Kent County Council Social Services, or are you unhappy with your care provider in Dartford and Gravesend? If you don’t wish to make use of the care providers commissioned via Kent County Council, you will need to find and directly pay for a care provider yourself.
If Kent County Council have deemed you eligible for ongoing care and support, you do have to option of using a ‘Kent Card’.
What is a Kent Card?
The Kent Card is a relatively new CHIP and PIN Mastercard (similar to a debit card) introduced by Kent County Council to act as a payment for your care and support, whilst they send direct payments to the card.
The payment card allows you to choose your own care provider rather than using services provided directly by Kent County Council, giving you a choice . The card can pay for all care and support services you are eligible for, which is paid on a monthly basis and can only be used for these reasons, as you will need to show how the direct payments have been used to meet your care needs.
You may also have regular reviews to discuss how the payment card has been used, so you’ll most likely need to keep hold of all receipts and records as part of this review.
What are the benefits?
A huge benefit of the payment card is that you have a choice over which care provider you use based on the provider that best suits your lifestyle and needs. The direct payment card gives you flexibility, choice and independence to make decisions about your care.
You’re also able to decide the duration and timings of your care and to liaise with the care provider directly.
Of course, this introduces a benefit to Kent County Council in them having less involvement and paperwork.
How much am I entitled to?
Kent County Council will first need to carry out a ‘needs’ assessment to decide what care and support you require. Following this, a financial assessment will be carried out to calculate how much of the care and support will be paid by yourself and how much of it will be paid by them.
KCC will create a personal support plan to calculate your budget and estimate how you will utilise the payment card.
Unfortunately the direct payment received often doesn’t cover the entire cost of care, so you may be required to contribute towards it.
How can I apply for a Kent Card?
Understandably, many people will opt for using care provided by Kent County Council to avoid the hassle of organising their own care.
However if you are interested in setting up your direct payment card, you can contact or call 0300 041 3600.
To find out more, visit the Kent County Council page here.
How can Caremark help me?
Whatever your requirements, you can be assured of a quality service, delivered by caring, well trained, care workers who are there to support you in your daily routine, enabling you to live life your way.
If you have been provided with a direct payment card and are interested in our care and support at Caremark, please get in touch with us here