Gender Pay Gap
We have an Equality Policy that demonstrates how we are fully committed to complying with The Equality Act 2010 and the Fundamental Standards. These recognise certain characteristics which are ‘protected’ from discrimination, one of which is Gender.
Our Recruitment documents do not contain questions relating to, or that could identify, ‘protected characteristics’ prior to interview, to eliminate the possibility of discrimination. We will review them regularly to take account of changes in the law.
We will select candidates based on their merits and abilities to perform the job role.
We will ask each candidate the same or similar questions. We will plan the questions in advance to ensure they do not favour any one group of candidates or could not be interpreted as discriminatory.
We will use additional questions to probe for further information where the candidate did not answer the question fully or clearly.
We are required to submit the following calculations under the gender pay gap legislation, we believe the gap to be low and in line with others operating in our sector.
Percentage of men and women in each hourly pay quarter;
Report 2021
Men | Women | |
Quarter 1 | 25.37 % | 74.63 % |
Quarter 2 | 10.60 % | 89.40 % |
Quarter 3 | 6.06 % | 93.94 % |
Quarter 4 | 7.57 % | 92.43 % |
Mean gender pay gap using hourly pay = 30.06%
Medium gender pay gap using hourly pay = 5.07%
Percentage of men and women receiving bonus pay = 78.26 % men 69.86 % women
Mean gender pay gap using bonus pay = 78.93%
Medium gender pay gap using bonus 98.5%
We confirm that the data about has been calculated in accordance with the guidance and requirements as set out in the Gender Pay Gap reporting
Lisa Fyfe
Finance Director