cqc rating worcester

We recently undertook our CQC inspection and have been given an overall GOOD rating.
We recently had our first CQC inspection and we have now had the overall rating and report published.

We received a good from all five sections of the inspection.


The service was safe. People were kept safe from potential abuse as staff had received training to heighten their awareness. Risks associated with people’s care were assessed and staff were aware of these. People were supported with their medicines as needed to maintain their well-being.


The service was effective. Staff had received training and support to enable them to meet people’s needs and keep them safe. Staff understood the need to gain people’s consent before assisting them and how to support them to make informed choices. Staff gave people the support they needed to prepare their meals and eat and drink.


The service was caring. People found staff to be caring and had good relationships with staff who visited them. People were treated with respect and their dignity and privacy was respected.


The service was responsive. People received care and support from staff they knew. Call times were however late at times due to traffic problems. People knew how to complain about the care provided and felt able to do so.


The service was well-led. People were able to share their views about the quality of the service provided.The registered manager used internal and external quality checks to make improvements to the service provided for people.

This inspection took place on 31 January 2017 and was announced. At the time of our inspection 47 people received care and support services in their own home. The provider employed 19 members of care staff to provider personal care to people.The provider is also the registered manager. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.

The provider was registered in February 2016 and has not been previously inspected. People told us they felt safe with the staff and while they provided their care and support. Staff had received training and they understood their responsibility to report abuse. Risks assessments were undertaken in people’s own homes to maintain the safety of people and staff who visited them in their own homes.

Sufficient staff were available to meet the current needs of people. The registered manager was aware additional staff were needed in order to provide a service to more people. Recruitment procedures were in place to check potential employee’s suitability. Newly appointed staff shadowed more experience staff initially as part of their induction training.

Staff received support from the registered manager and other staff as well as training to ensure they had the knowledge and skills to meet people’s needs. People’s healthcare needs were met as required for example through the administration of people’s medicines or by contacting healthcare professionals as needed.

People’s consent to care and support was gained by staff who also knew of the importance to help maintain people’s independence.

Management systems were in place and people’s opinions about the service provided were in place. These enabled the registered manager to look at where improvements were needed to the service.

For the full and detailed report you can follow this link.



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