We have, this week, delivered our first practical training sessions from newly qualified trainer, Belle Ward, who also happens to be our Care Manager.

With thanks to Wenman’s Healthcare Centre in Barford who kindly allowed us the use of their training room, we were successful in delivering both the Moving and Handling practical training and also the Emergency First Aid practical training in line with company training policy.

Our new Care & Support Workers were shown examples of manoeuvring techniques and tasks and then given the opportunity to demonstrate what they had learnt from a simple sit-to-stand manoeuvre right through to how to transfer someone using a full body hoist. Of course, they excelled in their demonstrations!!! 

We also used our new First Aid equipment in the form of Resuscitation Dummy named “Jeff” and also our training AED pack.

We have proven that despite the current social distancing restrictions, we are still able to safely deliver training to better support our staff and customers out in the field.

We have every confidence in our Support Workers and they are showing great commitment and dedication week on week!!

If you have any training requirements please do not hesitate to get in touch with us on 01926 257524 to see how we can support you.


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