Find a job you enjoy

Famous American writer Mark Twain once said: “Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” and in the case of Carer Amy Ince, that is exactly what she believes.
Amy says: “There is not a part of my job that I don’t love. But the thing that I love the most about my job is when I see my customers smile and hearing them laugh – it’s the best feeling I’m the world.”
Amy became a Home Care Worker because of she Nana, who she looked after for a long while.
She explains: “I figured out that I actually enjoyed it and wanted to do for a career, but I wanted to be a home care worker because I wanted to be the one that makes a little difference to our customers’ lives.
“We are often the first thing they see in the morning and last thing at night, or even at the very end of their life, so giving them the best care is so rewarding.
“I choose to work for Caremark because of hearing from people of how brilliant they are and I wanted to become part of Team Blue.
“We have got a duty of care for our customers, but we also care for our staff too. They not just colleagues to me but family. We all look out for each other they have helped me so much I couldn’t thank them enough.”
“Me and the all the other carers give our customers the best of life we can give and to keep them in their own comfort/home as much as possible. We go above and beyond for them and I wouldn’t swap this job for the world!”