Information & Advice
An information and advice service is available on a wide range of issues for people aged over 50, their families and carers. The service is available at the Cherrytree, please visit their website for more information: The Cherry Tree

A dedicated freephone Age UK advice line is available on 0800 019 1310 from Monday – Friday, from 10am-4pm. Alternatively, email

The Age UK Advocacy Service is available to older people in Mid Sussex. For more information telephone 01403 276136 or click here

The Age UK Money Advice Service offers free, confidential, unbiased face-to-face financial advice on all matters relating to personal finance. Fully-trained staff provide information on personal budgeting, savings and investments, insurance, credit and borrowing, retirement planning, taxation and benefits. Appointments can be made to be meet an advisor in Burgess Hill. Email

Help at Home: a service to provide paid home help to assist with your cleaning, shopping and general housework (a fee applies). For more information please visit

Home from Hospital: the service is for any vulnerable adult over the age of 18 who will be alone without any other support network available to them on discharge from hospital. The service will offer up to 6 weeks free practical support within their home after discharge from hospital. They must be resident in West Sussex. Anyone can refer into the service, the person themselves, GP’s, friends or relatives, ward nurses etc. An initial assessment will be made to make sure the person meets the criteria for the service and then they will be matched with a volunteer. For more information please visit

Sheds – Burgess Hill: Sheds started as a way to help older men deal with anxiety and depression. Today they enable anyone to improve well-being and achieve a more fulfilling, socially engaging life.
In our Shed you will be able to:
– Pursue your own practical interests in your own time, with access to space, tools and equipment.
– Enjoy a real sense of camaraderie, purpose and achievement that develops by sharing interests, activities and know-how with other like-minded people.
Tel: 01444 236743 Mob: 07709 255631

Age UK Haywards Heath – the Redwood Activity Centre
Located next to Clair Hall on Perrymount Road, Haywards Heath, West Sussex, RH16 3DN. For further information telephone 01444 450248 or visit the website

Age Concern Hassocks – the Pauline Thaw Centre
Located at Dale Avenue, Hassocks, West Sussex, BN6 8LW. For further information telephone 01273 844461 or visit the website

For more information about other Age UK services, please visit the Age UK website or contact the Advice Line on 0800 169 6565, available every day from 8am to 7pm.


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