The best of both worlds
The flexibility of hours with Caremark Leeds allows Care Coordinator Amy Goodall to enjoy the best of both worlds – a rewarding career and precious time with her young daughter.
She joined Caremark after working for nine years as a carer in residential and nursing homes.
“At college I studied to be a beauty therapist but when I left college I found no-one would take you on unless you had experience so I needed a job in another sector and found one in a nursing home,” said Amy.
The arrival of daughter Molly-Mae, who was born two years ago, led to Amy reconsidering her work-life balance.
“I still wanted to work, however Molly-Mae was my priority and I needed a job that would allow me to spend time with her,” she said.
Amy still works 38 hours a week with Caremark Leeds but is able to spend time on a morning with Molly-Mae and be home in time to feed, bathe and put her to bed. She also has weekends off so can enjoy family time.
“I really enjoy working at Caremark, when that phone rings you just don’t know what the call will be about,” said Amy. “Every day is different and very rewarding – your face or your voice on the phone might be the only contact a person has with anyone else that day.”
Amy has continued her professional development throughout her time in the care sector and has a level 5 Diploma in Leadership and Management in Health and Social Care qualification.
“Right now my priority is to spend precious time with my daughter, to see her growing up but it’s good to know that when the time is right I have the qualifications to progress my career further,” said Amy.