We are delighted to announce that the Care Quality Commission (CQC) has rated Caremark (Epsom and Ewell, Reigate and Banstead and Sutton) as good across all key measures.

Following an onsite inspection last month, the CQC says we provide good care that is: safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led.

Highlights from the report include:

  • People received kind and considerate care which respected their personal preferences, culture and beliefs.
  • A person said the care workers are “kind and polite and lovely in every respect with nice smiles.”
  • Another person was reported as saying “I have a good relationship with my care workers and they will do extra little jobs for me and are willing to help me with anything.”

To see the full report https://www.cqc.org.uk/location/1-1019722172

Managing Director Hannah Drury says: ” We urge all to read this excellent report. It captures the essence of our family first approach to care. All Caremark customers receive a quality of care that we expect for a member of our own family. Only the very best will do. It is as simple as that.”

Things do not always go right, but the key is to learn with our staff and customers how to put things right quickly and appropriately. We pride ourselves on having excellent open and two way communication with everybody involved in our service.”

Care Manager Daren Kannayya added: “We are so pleased with the recognition we have received from the CQC. We thank all of our customers and staff who said such nice things about us.

“Our job now is to continue to work to improve even further how we meet the holistic needs of all of our customers. We will do this by working in close partnership with customers, families, our staff and other organisations in the area.

Join our mission to provide the best care in Epsom, Ewell, Reigate and Banstead

☕️ Visit us at our shop 20 Ewell Road, Cheam, Sutton, SM3 8BU

🧑🏽‍⚕️Request a visit from one of our expert social care consultants by calling 0208 819 4439

👉🏼Enquire about our programme of healthy ageing talks and workshops epsomandreigate@caremark.co.uk

💃🏽 Follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/CaremarkEpsomAndEwellReigateAndBanstead/?locale=hi_IN

🧑🏽‍⚕️Work for us. We have opportunities from professional caring people who want to make a difference. Call Mike on 020 8 819 4439

🌹Meet our team of social care professionals https://www.caremark.co.uk/epsom-and-ewell-reigate-and-banstead/the-team/

See our excellent reviews on independent Homecare review site https://www.homecare.co.uk/homecare/agency.cfm/id/65432211118#:~:text=9.8-,Caremark%20(Sutton%2C%20Epsom%20%26%20Ewell%2C%20Reigate%20and%20Banstead),of%204.6%20out%20of%205.


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