Christmas has come early

Caremark Doncaster has ensured Christmas has come early for older people who attend a popular weekly lunch club.
Our donation of £250 is being used by the Methodist Homes Association (MHA) to fund a Christmas party at the Tickhill Luncheon Club on 18th December.
People who attend on the day will receive a three-course Christmas meal and live festive entertainment.
Staff from Caremark Doncaster will also be present on the day to help serve the meals and clear up afterwards.
Caremark Doncaster Care Manager Alison Springall said: “Two of our customers attend this luncheon club so we know from speaking to them what a huge difference it has made to their lives.
“It’s a way of bringing people who live alone and possibly at risk of social isolation together to they can make new friends in an informal social setting each week.
“As one of Doncaster’s leading providers of home care services we know how important social interaction is because often our Care Assistants are the only other people our customers see on a regular basis.
“So, we are therefore delighted to be able to make this donation and we are looking forward to helping out at the party.”
Kate Dales, Methodist Homes Association South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Communities Manager, said: “This kind donation from Caremark Doncaster is really appreciated and will help us to create a fantastic day.”
The Tickhill Luncheon Club is a ‘pop in’ weekly event which takes place every Wednesday from 12pm to 3pm in the Tickhill Methodist Church at 8 Buttercross, Tickhill.
A two-course hot meal is served with fun activities and transport can be provided. Session fees apply.
For more information visit