December’s coffee morning – what happened?

Read here what happened at our December Festive Coffee Morning

It wasn’t just Father Christmas who abseiled down the steeple on Tuesday 10th December and joined our festive chair-based exercise class at St Pip and St Jims. It was also one of his famous Elves, (aka Emily) and Anna from Disney’s Frozen (aka Frances). Also in attendance was the wonderful Jo, (aka Caremark Care Manager and Physiotherapist).
Residents from Park Gate, Park Place, Cheltenham, Doris and Jean (2 of the 4 Musketeers) were joined by Vera, another local resident (3rd Musketeer) and Peter and his wife Joan, from Lefroy Court, Talbot Road, Cheltenham. Fay, Anna and Mandy, a local social worker, also dropped in; it was absolutely fabulous to see everyone!
Gentle stretching and warming movements were soon overshadowed by laughter along with hand to eye coordination actions. Peter, in no time at all, had Elf Emily in stitches with his attempts at ‘dynamic correspondence’!

Tim Ingold, organist at Christ Church, Malvern Road, Cheltenham, coerced with the promise of homemade mince pies tinkled the ivories whilst Andrew Hopwood, bass soloist and Choir Director of the Thames Head Singers (and, most importantly, husband of Anna), warbled his way through several well-known Christmas ‘oldies’ to entertain the gang who consumed a mound of mince pies and copious quantities of Nescafe.
In the words of Craig Revel Horwood our December’s coffee morning was absolutely ‘fab-u-lous darling’.
What are our free coffee morning dates in 2025?
These are the dates for our next coffee mornings. All now between 11am and 1pm and on a Thursday:
30th January 2025
20th February 2025
20th March 2025; and
17th April 2025.