Supporting Lee

Lee Nolan has struggled with mental health problems and an addiction to drink and drugs for over ten years. He was once declared dead following an overdose, only to be revived by medics, and believes eventually there would be no coming back for him if he wasn’t able to take control of his life and health.
Now about to go into rehabilitation, which he hopes will be the start of a new life, Lee, 38, credits Caremark, and in particular his carer Jacqueline Carter, with the new positive outlook he now has.
We were referred to Lee via the local mental health team and twice a week, for two hours, he spends time with Jacqueline, who only started at Caremark in July 2021 after finally realising her dream of becoming a carer at the age of 56.
Lee and Jacqueline are the perfect match, although they didn’t start out like this.
He explains: “I wouldn’t speak to Jacqueline at first because due to my condition, I was suspicious of her but eventually she started to break down the wall I put up and we started to build a relationship.
“She helped me get my flat in order, go on walks along the canal with me which I love, and we did lots of talking, which is what I needed most.
Jacqueline takes up the story: “Lee wouldn’t look me in the eye at first but once I won his trust and started talking, we started putting a plan together for how he could get his life back on track.
“I suffer with anxiety myself, so I shared this with him, and I think this helped to break the ice as it showed that he is not alone.
“Agreeing to go into rehabilitation is a massive step so it’s amazing to see the progress he has made.”
Lee adds: “Jacqueline is a wonderful woman and has helped me so much. She has become my rock.
“I think without her, the way I was going, I would end up dead in my flat.
“Now, I am hoping to leave the old Lee behind; get clean, get a new home, look for work, even if it’s voluntary at first, and be able to see my daughter again and play a meaningful role in her life.”