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Michelle Mallon admits to becoming a carer “on the spur of the moment” but three years later and she says it was the best thing she ever did.

Prior to coming into care, Michelle spent many years working in in the hospitality industry but started to edge towards a career in nursing or social work.

Her mother-in-law was a carer, working in a residential home, and even then, she admits to thinking that care was all about ‘wiping bums all day”.

But then she saw something on Facebook from someone working in homecare who said how much she enjoyed it and how flexible it was.

With three children whose ages range from 9 to 14, the flexibility attracted Michelle so, on that spur of the moment, she applied for a job at Caremark and the rest, as they say is history.

She says: “Even though the initial training scared me when I was learning about things like moving and handling and helping people with dementia, I shadowed a great carer and once I went out on my own everything came naturally to be.

“It was something I could finally sink my teeth into, and I was good at it, so it’s the best thing I ever did.”

Michelle recently completed her NVQ Level 2 in Health and Social Care, and also was promoted to senior taking on a more active role behind the scenes.

With a partner who works shifts and having a young family, Michelle says she likes the flexibility the job gives her and the fact that every day is different.

She adds: “It’s about so much more than wiping bums, trust me. We are often the only face our customers see during the day so to be able to spend time with them, helping with various things and just chatting, knowing you have left them in a better place when you leave is amazing.

“It’s made me a more patient person and I now appreciate what I have even more, so it couldn’t have worked out better for me and I would recommend it as a career to anyone.”

When she’s not working, Michelle enjoys going to the gym and spending time with her family.


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