Going Above and Beyond

“Care is about helping someone do something they can’t do themselves”
– C Wright
Outstanding Care and Support Worker
We would like to introduce an outstanding member of our team, Carolyn Wright. All members of our team are dedicated and hard working individuals, but Carolyn has stood out by always going above and beyond.
Carolyn started with Caremark Bromley around the first Covid lockdown in 2020. Covid gave her the opportunity to train as a Massage Therapist. Working as a Care and Support worker complimented her business. Carolyn has a Massage Therapist has given her a good foundation when working with vulnerable individuals, understanding how the body works. Carolyn is passionate about her customers, especially Barry, becoming his main Care and Support Worker when he joined us in June 2021.
Barry has been diagnosed with Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP). PSP is a neurological condition that can cause problems with balance, movement, vision, speech and swallowing. PSP is caused by increasing numbers of brain cells becoming damaged over time.
The PSP Association estimates there are around 4,000 people with PSP living in the UK.
Patricia, Barry’s spouse, commented on how Carolyn is consistent, punctual and always looking at how to provide the best care for Barry. She has peace of mind that Barry is in capable hands.
What is the best aspect a Carer can have?
“Having a Sense of Humour!”
– C Wright
We asked Carolyn what the best aspect a Care and Support worker could have and she said, “Having a sense of humour!”. She goes on to explain there are times where you need to be serious and ensure the safety of the customer but the ability to make your service user laugh will make them feel at ease in your care.
After watching Carolyn interact with Barry, we also noticed how her voice was very calming, instructing each step to Barry with reassurance he was in safe hands.
Carolyn reviews how her day went and how she could have done better to guarantee the best quality of care is being provided. Becoming familiar with a service user’s care is inevitable but each day is different and being adaptable is a must.
Thank you
A big thank you to Carolyn, your hard work is appreciated by us at Caremark Bromley and your service users. It takes a certain person to be able to provide high quality care. Someone who is compassionate and willing to put others before themselves. We are fortunate to have you on our team!