Caremark Warwick has received a ‘Good’ CQC Rating

We are absolutely delighted to announce that, following a recent inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), Caremark Warwick has been awarded an overall ‘Good’ Rating. The CQC is a Government agency responsible for regulating all Health & Social Care services in England.
The CQC inspect all Care providers on five key areas – checking that we are Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive & Well Led. We were awarded ‘Good’ ratings in all five areas which meant an overall ‘Good’ rating which is fantastic news and a real credit to the excellent Care team we have in place.
As part of the inspection, the CQC sought feedback from our Local Authority (Warwickshire County Council), spoke to a number of our Clients as well as interviewing the office team and some of the Care team. In addition, they reviewed a range of Care records and medication records. They also looked at staff recruitment files and records that related to the management and quality assurance of the service, especially around managing risk, medication management, complaints, compliments and systems to manage Care call timings.
Below are a couple of extracts from the CQC report:
“Everyone we spoke with were extremely complimentary about the service they or their relative received. People told us they felt safe because staff were well-trained and knew what they were doing. People and relatives said staff who supported them, instilled confidence and that made them feel relaxed and happy because staff knew them really well.”
“People and staff were complimentary of the management team. Relatives we spoke with confirmed the quality of care was good and they felt well-informed and engaged in how their family members were supported. Relatives said the management team was approachable and responsive.”
06 Sep 2021