Delivering Person Centered Care

Caremark are committed to ensuring people with learning disabilities and or autism who have complex and challenging support needs (including forensic needs), receive responsive and bespoke services which enable them to live fulfilling and rewarding lives, safely and where possible in their own local community.
Our Welfare Officer, Jade Gibson, attended a Coffee Morning to raise funds for MacMillan Cancer Support yesterday and had brought the Team some buns back from the event. Reece visited our Office yesterday, (great timing for the buns!!), with his regular Support Worker, Cosmin – before they went to play football at Reece’s favourite park on his Community Access visit. Reece was lucky enough to have the last bun which he really enjoyed!
We asked Reece yesterday how he felt his support was going, along with checking how Cosmin is finding his new role as a Children’s Care and Support Worker. Reece explained how he loves his regular Support Workers and enjoys getting out and about within the Community, he enjoys going to the park to play in the Play Area, to play football and feed the ducks. He has recently been to our Allotment in Rotherham and has picked some lovely produce to take home for his family! Cosmin said he is thoroughly enjoying his new role here at Caremark Rotherham and Sheffield, after a huge amount of experience at a Domiciliary Care Company he is so glad he decided to take the plunge and try something exciting and new with Children and Young People. He also said he thought the training he received was great and put him in a great position ready for his new role.
We really enjoy delivering support to our customer’s which prevents crisis situations from arising along with an aim of delivering person centered approaches and improvements in people’s lives which ultimately leads to better outcomes, which we genuinely feel we achieve on a weekly basis with our customers.