Every effort counts in this Pandemic

Nicola one of our experienced and responsible care worker noticed that some of the customers with dementia and other health conditions are feeling a bit anxious and intimidated when the carers are wearing masks. So she decided to find a way out to make things a bit easier for the customers as well as protect themselves and the vulnerable customers.
She approached her Nan Jenny Ferguson and came up with the idea of making fabric masks at home with attractive patterns so it is more appealing and less intimidating. She wants to provide these free of cost ,save lives and reduce anxiety in vulnerable people.
These masks can be hand-washed or machine washed and they dry really quickly so we can wash them when we come home and they’ll be ready for the next day.
This has proven really effective for some of our customers as they admire the design and the pattern of our masks therefore not seeing the medical mask underneath that is protecting us and them.
Thank you Nan You’re a Superstar!🦸♀️