Lower our carbon footprint

As a local company employing over 100 staff and serving customers across Mansfield and Ashfield, we recognise we have a responsibility to lower our carbon footprint as the UK moves towards achieving net zero emission status by 2025.
As part of this, we recently invested £11,000 in the installation of solar panels at our head office in Ashfield.
This was made possible through a grant of £6,000 from Ashfield District Council which came from the Levelling Up Fund and was for sustainability and carbon reduction projects.
The installation of the 22 solar panels came after we had already carried out an extensive refurbishment of the office and added various energy efficiency measures, such as increasing the insulation in the roof space, installing new double glazed windows and doors, fitting LED lights and motion sensors so they are only on when needed and replacing the gas central heating with an electric water heater and electric air conditioning units.
Since the solar panels were installed in September 2024, we have already seen our electric costs reduce dramatically and expect this to improve further once the longer, and lighter, days come in.
We are also switching to an energy supplier who will provide us with 100% green electricity from the National Grid.
In addition, we have introduced one electric vehicle to our fleet, with plans to add more in the coming years.
We have also updated our training slides to cover sustainability and completed a carbon management course.
Caremark Mansfield & Ashfield is proud of the strides we have already made to lower our carbon footprint and are excited about continuing our journey to becoming a net zero business.