GEM Award Goes to…….Double Winners
We have received a call from the daughter of GE recently for no other reason than to provide us with some feedback about the care and assistance that we provide for her mum. A quote from Claire is below which relates to Jodie Cotton and Nic Stancer.
“what a lovely job these young ladies do for my mum, they talk nicely to her and they give her guidance in a gentle way that she needs to get through things. I’ve been watching them for awhile with my mum and they are fantastic, it’s the way they do things like talking her through every step, putting her slippers on the rotunda so she don’t hurt her feet, it’s these simple little things that make her day that little bit better. I felt that I needed to tell you this as they are really kind young ladies”.
Compliments like this make us incredibly proud of the help and support that is provided by the fantastic team of people at Caremark!
Thank you Nic & Jodie, I hope this makes you see what a difference you make.
Simon & Jo