International Women’s Day!
Award-Winning home care provider Celebrates Internation Women’s Day.
Here at Caremark Hammersmith and Fulham 93% of our workforce is made up of women, resembling figures across England which according to Skills for Care women account for 83% of the social care workforce. Here at Caremark we value and acknowledge women throughout the health and social care sector contributing positively to their communities every day and making a difference.
Jignisha, Care manager at Caremark Hammersmith and Fulham, says:
“Having worked closely with care assistants and the office team, I’ve learnt so much about the women working within our team. Juggling multiple things such as managing family, children, education, and much more yet they still come into work every day and make a positive impact. I feel that ability to juggle these things has never been acknowledged enough. My Journey at Caremark Hammermsith and Fulham began in 2016 with two daughters who were toddlers at that time, making things very challenging however this did not stop me from pursuing my passion for making a difference in the community and I see that in the women within our team and I believe within the sector and outside the sector share the same sort of drive when it comes to self-empowering and pursuing their goals and ambitions as well managing their day to day life. This takes me back to a quote by G.D Andreson who said Feminism isn’t about making women strong, Women are strong, it’s about changing the way the world perceives that strength.”
From us here at Caremark Hammermsith and Fulham Happy International Women’s Day!
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