Befriending Services in Dartford and Gravesend
In June 2018 we started providing a befriending service within the Dartford and Gravesend area, for our customer John. Befriending services around Dartford and Gravesend area would allow John to go out on social visits, such as swimming, horse riding, cinema, bowling and much more. John was wary of too much activity originally, but by gradually introducing him to different scenarios and outings, John quickly got in to the swing of things and has become a lot more confident, especially in his physical strength.
How we support John with our Befriending service?
We were approached by John’s family and asked whether we could take John out on social visits, this includes going to the Gym, swimming, horse riding, cinema, bowling and much more. John was weary of too much activity originally, but by gradually introducing him to different scenarios and outings, John quickly got in to the swing of things and has become a lot more confident, especially in his physical strength.
What John enjoys the most?
Having lived a very active life, John took to physical activities like swimming, really well. He has come from strength to strength and is now walking unassisted.
Why was a care package required?
The main goal behind John’s package of care was to make him stronger, both physically and mentally.
Impact on the family?
Knowing that John has a routine and schedule and that he is bettering himself, is a real sense of relief for his family.
Can we help you?
If you have a loved one, that would benefit from this type of service. Please get in touch with the Caremark team to discuss your needs on 01474 320411 or email . We are always here to offer a helping hand to the community of Dartford and Gravesham.