Caremark Central Bedfordshire at Ashton Square
Caremark Central Bedfordshire recently set up stall in Ashton square market.
Ashton Square is one of the most famous markets in Dunstable and the first market to open after lockdown in the town. The Town Council held this amazing ‘Wellbeing Day Market’ in the Square.
It was a wonderful experience as the market provided the opportunity for the community to support local business and have a great day out with the family.
It was a great opportunity for Caremark Central Bedfordshire to make the community aware of its presence and to reassure that they are here to serve the community. They met the Mayor of the Town, Councillor Peter Hollick and Gloria Martin Deputy Mayor of Dunstable (pictured above) who spent time on each stall and showed their support and appreciation to all who participated in a well organised event which was held in accordance with guidelines in respect to COVID-19.
Caremark Central Bedfordshire enjoyed the opportunity to get their name out there and reach the as many people as possible face to face.