Scott McGreevy – Mentor Spotlight

Scott McGreevy is one of our amazing Care and Support workers and Mentors from the Bangor Singles Team. Scott has been a great asset to the Team at Caremark NI . Here is a bit about his background:
“I saw Caremark advertised and got started in my care role soon after, with a goal to put others first by getting hands on and helping out. When I started in 2020, it was a challenging time during Covid, which required bravery and courage. Overtime, I felt my confidence grow and I began to get comfortable with carrying out my responsibilities.”
“When entering the care field as a care worker anything could happen, therefore my advice for new staff, is to have a heart and personality when going into this type of work. I would also say that it is valuable to talk to a mentor, as it helps take the stress and anxiety away when getting started!”