Social isolation during the Coronavirus lockdown

As the measures to keep people apart to slow the spread of the coronavirus continue, mental health experts are warning that losing everyday social connections comes with psychological costs. Those costs could go up the longer such measures drag on.
Caremark have a solution, companionship care, which provides companionship and friendship, aiming to reduce or prevent loneliness in a person on lockdown on their own due to COVID-19. Varying from several hours a day to just a few hours a week, it can have a huge impact on the day-to-day outlook and positivity of someone who would otherwise be totally alone.
Social interaction can make all the difference, and when someone feels surrounded by people who value and support them, they feel happier and more confident. When someone has reduced mobility or other disabilities social interaction becomes even more important. Their companionship care assistants provide emotional and/or physical support where necessary and aim to ensure quality of life is as high as possible.
This support also extends to adults and younger people. At Caremark, we understand that having someone around to help or to chat to is key for people of all ages. They can find the perfect companion for those looking for this kind of support during the Coronavirus pandemic and beyond.
Give us a call on 01903 299069 or email us at and a friendly team member will be happy to give you further information about Caremark’s companionship care services and how they can help you or your loved one.
There is no need for anyone to feel alone in this crisis.