How independent are your loved ones?

Is your loved one beginning to cut out some activities because of increasing frailty?
Maintaining one’s independence at home is a wish which would likely come near the top of everyone’s list. However, for some people this idea might seem like a distant wish in their mind, rather than a reality, but nonetheless can be achieved with the right support in place.
Is your loved one beginning to cut out some activities because of increasing frailty? Advancing years or decreasing mobility does not have to mean a lessening of one’s independence. It might just mean doing things a little differently.
As a home care provider we understand this. An important part of our customer’s care and support is maintaining or improving their levels of independence and through working closely with each of them, we are able to help them achieve this.
However, your loved one may just need some help in re-thinking how they approach their daily life.
Here are some tips to help with achieving a greater level of independence:
- If you or your loved one are considering some support at home, make sure you enlist the services of a registered and experienced homecare provider who will be able to provide the kind of support they need to achieve any desired goals
- Encourage your family member to create a list of wishes for maintaining independence and then work with your care provider to create a personalised care and support plan to achieve that
- Make a list of hobbies and interests, past and present that your relative enjoys. Then together discuss with your care provider ways that all or some of these can be achieved.
- Keeping up with old friends and making new ones is always important. There may be clubs or events in your community which your loved one may wish to be part of. So, if going solo is not appealing, at Caremark we offer a companionship scheme which offers customers support and company with various activities
- Keeping busy and feeling needed is an important aspect of maintaining a sense of independence and builds self-esteem. Talk with your loved one about using previous skills and talents. There may well be a local community project which would welcome such experience. Your care provider can discuss how best to support your loved one accessing their local community
- When changes in health or mobility occur, reassure your loved one that looking at making some changes to their environment will ensure their ongoing independence and safety
- Never stop learning! Is there something your family member has always wanted to do but never had the courage to investigate. Your care provider can help with supporting your loved one to access the local community and accompany to their chosen activity
- Make sure important contact numbers, bus timetables, train schedules etc in your loved one’s home are up to date so that they feel enabled to get out and about confidently
If you would like to find out how we can help you, feel free to give us a call on: 01903 232949 or send us an email at: