Care is not just what comes naturally at home or with friends, it’s not what we are paid to do. It’s a feeling of an innate need to ensure that those around you are safe and cared for.

As a care company we care, we take care of our customers, their homes, and their families.  We care for our staff.  However, we need to lead by example, only then will there be a change in how everyone perceives care and gives care.  

It’s not always about the end result, sometimes it’s about what you give without thought or need for recognition. It’s giving back to another human who may just need your time or help.

So how can you help your community?

Smiling at someone as you walk past them, letting someone skip in front of you in a queue, buying a colleague a coffee just because you can. Letting someone talk whilst you actually listen to them and hear their voices. Singing a song with a customer or a toddler who doesn’t care that you can’t sing, just that you did. 

What do our care assistants do for the people?

We pride ourselves in being those care assistants that sing the song, dance when needed and stop and hear when it’s wanted.  We wanted this year to help make a difference in a different way, we wanted to give back to those who do not benefit from our services.

We have collected handbags and toiletries for a women’s refuge and now with Christmas approaching, we want to help those who just need someone to believe in them to smile maybe a little more.

We are collecting for our local food bank to help our struggling families have a little more at Christmas. We as a nation shouldn’t need to be in this position, sadly we are and it is down to us as good people to help where and when we can.

Help put a smile on someone’s face this year with the gift of food, a toy through a toy drive, a Christmas shoe box appeal, or volunteer at a local shelter. It costs nothing to give your time to make someone smile.

Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year from us all at Caremark Mid-Surrey and Waverley


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