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We all need a little help from time to time. A few small changes could be all you need to help you stay at home for longer. But if things are getting harder to manage, you might want to move somewhere with higher levels of support.

Types of social care services


Homecare: how to find the care you need at home

If you’re having trouble with everyday tasks around the home, homecare could really help. There’s a range of services available, whether you need help with housework, personal care or some equipment to adapt your home. 

Care homes:

Whether you’re choosing a care home (also known as a residential home) for a loved one or moving into one yourself, the process can feel daunting. 

We’ve brought together information and guidance to help you make the best choice for you, including tips on how to find a good care home and advice on paying for it.


Specialist housing options

Find out more about some of the specialist housing options for older people, including shared ownership, retirement villages, Abbeyfield developments, and almshouses.


Older People’s Shared Ownership (OPSO)

If you would like to buy a home but can’t afford the full purchase price, there is a government-backed shared ownership scheme for people aged 55 and over. You buy part of a property and pay rent on the remainder. You can buy further shares in the property, up to a maximum of 75%. After this point, you won’t pay any rent.

  • The scheme is available in England only.
  • To be eligible your household income must be less than £80,000 (£90,000 in London).
  • The scheme is only for older people who are first-time buyers or who have previously owned a home but can’t afford to buy one now.

Retirement villages

Retirement villages are fairly new in the UK. They are usually large schemes set out like a village, with a range of facilities such as shops, restaurants, gyms and swimming pools. Personal care services are often provided.

Properties in retirement villages are available privately to buy, rent or part-buy. Make sure you understand what services are provided, how much they cost and how they are paid for, and check the lease to see what happens if you decide to sell or leave the property to someone.



The Abbeyfield Society is a charity that has different types of accommodation for people aged 55 and over. Residents are supported by a house manager and volunteers, and are provided with at least one cooked meal a day.

Some newer Abbeyfield developments are larger and provide extra-care accommodation.


Almshouses are run by charitable trusts and are mainly for older people. Each charity has a policy about who it will assist, such as residents in a particular geographical area or workers who have retired from a particular trade.

Rent in Almshouses is usually low, but you’re likely to have fewer rights than someone renting privately or from a social landlord. This is because you have a licence rather than a tenancy, with different rights around repairs and eviction. Your rights should be outlined in a ‘letter of appointment’ from the trustees.


Homeshare is a scheme where someone in need of accommodation moves into your home. In return, they provide you with practical day-to-day help. 

Homeshare is different from live-in care options, such as professional live-in care or Shared Lives schemes.

Before deciding on what might be right for you, it’s important to seek independent specialist advice before agreeing to let someone into your home or move in with someone else. 


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