
Care and support to live a full life

Our home care and respite care services are designed to empower people with learning disabilities, giving them the confidence to enjoy a full and independent life.

Just like everyone else, people with learning disabilities want to live as full and rewarding a life as possible, with choice and independence available to them. Our learning disability care at home is carefully curated to help you or your loved one achieve this. 

Individually different

We understand that even the smallest amount of support can make a huge difference in improving self esteem and independence, and our professional care assistants have the specialist knowledge and extensive practical experience to support those with many different aspects of learning disabilities.

Learning disabilities vary considerably from one person to another and may be mild, moderate or more complex. They also may be associated with physical or emotional issues. They can have an impact on behaviour, relationships ,learning, communication and social skills. Regardless of the learning disability you or your family member experiences our highly trained care assistants are committed to providing person centred support that focuses on skills, abilities and well being, and enables you or your loved one to live a fulfilled life.

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How we help

We offer many types of care for people with leaning disabilities to include

Live-in care

Companionship care

Night care

Personal care

Respite care


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