Home-Based Dementia Care Services in Guildford & Woking

At Caremark Guildford & Woking, our expertise lies in delivering individualised home-based dementia care. We are dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for those with dementia, ensuring their comfort within their familiar surroundings.

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I love having company

Dementia Care in Guildford & Woking in the Comfort of your own home

Acknowledging the Importance of Comfort and Familiarity for individuals with dementia, our dementia care services in Guildford & Woking prioritise these aspects. Our skilled care assistants are trained in dementia care, providing empathetic assistance within the confines of the individuals’ own homes. From aiding in daily routines to promoting mobility and facilitating cognitive engagement through stimulating activities, our focus is on upholding safety and regularity. Through these efforts, we empower our customers to retain a sense of routine and fulfilment in their lives.

Compassionate and Empathetic Dementia Care in Guildford & Woking

Our individualised approach to dementia care is designed to cater to the distinct requirements and desires of every person. Following a thorough assessment, our team crafts a flexible care strategy that adjusts as the condition advances. Recognising the variability of dementia’s manifestations, our care assistants exhibit adaptable and compassionate responses to shifts in behaviour and memory. Our ultimate aim is to offer care that honours each individual’s identity and life journey.

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I can be more active
Caremark II

Relief-Oriented Dementia Care: Strengthening and Uplifting Families

Understanding the emotional and physical challenges of caring for a beloved family member with dementia, we’re here to help. We provide families with helpful resources and guidance, helping them gain a deeper understanding and better coping strategies for dealing with dementia. Our main goal is to offer consistent support and reassurance to families throughout their journey in dementia care.

You might not remember who I am but you’ll remember how I made you feel

Find out more at Dementia UK


How does Caremark Guildford & Woking personalise its Care for Dementia?

We tailor our approach to dementia care by engaging in a thorough assessment aimed at comprehending the distinct requirements of each person. This empowers us to create a customised care strategy that remains flexible as the condition advances.

What does Dementia Care at Home at Caremark Guildford & Woking involve?

Within the confines of one’s own home, our home-based dementia care encompasses aiding with everyday schedules, enhancing mobility, and promoting cognitive engagement via captivating activities. This assistance is administered in an environment that is both comforting and well-known to the individual.

What support does Caremark Guildford & Woking provide to families of dementia sufferers?

Our respite dementia care services extend temporary relief to families and caregivers, offering a momentary reprieve. Additionally, we furnish resources and expert guidance to assist families in comprehending and effectively managing the challenges posed by dementia.

Why choose Caremark?

You’ll be in safe hands – our services care for over 14,000 customers.

personalised care

Personalised care

We provide care that is an individual as you are. You are unique, so your care plan must be too!

excellent standards

Excellent standards

Our quality of care is exemplary. You are extremely important to us, and we care for you like you were our own family.

cheery visits

Cheery visits

We employ our staff based on their personalities – caring, compassionate, cheery and fun!

allocated care assistant

Allocated Care Assistant

We spend time matching our Care Assistants with our customers and maintaining that pairing.

family contact

Family contact

We are open and transparent with family members and share details of each visit when requested.



Customer confidentiality is extremely important to us. We are fully compliant with GDPR and data protection.


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